AUTHOR Rich Heimlich

I love movies, tech, politics, games and more. I've been writing professionally since 1985 and, thankfully, have worked with some of the best editors in the business. I'm also a proud member of the Philadelphia Film Critics Circle and the Broadcast Film Critics Association (Critics Choice Awards).

Movies Evil Dead Movie Shot

A group of young friends head to an old family cabin and unwittingly unleash Hell itself into their midst in the remake of the 1981 cult classic Evil Dead. The original Evil Dead is considered one of the classic films of ’80s horror. Today it looks like the epitome of campy with outrageous discount Halloween-like […]

Movies Jurassic Park 3D Movie Shot

The epic Dinosaurs of 1993 are back from extinction, yet again saved by technology, and this time it’s 3D to the rescue. Jurassic Park first dawned on movie screens exactly 20 years ago in 1993. Then, it was a stunning example of what technology could do for storytelling in a motion picture format. The effects were  at the […]

Movies Siskel & Ebert

Famed film-critic Roger Ebert has died today just two days after telling the world that the cancer he’d been fighting for years had returned. There are many people in our lives who make an impact on us in various ways. Sometimes they’re obvious like the love of your parents or the help of a close […]

Movies The Secret Of Monkey Island Box

News out of Disney today is the imminent closure of venerable game studios LucasArts. I can’t say this comes as much of a surprise as the company seemed to be going virtually nowhere for several years now. However, the studio shouldn’t pass into oblivion without remarking on the impact they had earlier on. LucasArts was […]

Movies Tichu Card Game

I have a friend who almost never fails to ask me what game I’m currently enamored with. Oddly, for possibly the first time in my life, the only game I’m currently addicted to is on my phone and it’s an Android version of a card game we often play at Penn Gamers. It’s called Tichu. […]

Movies Star Trek Original Cast

You can pretty much say I grew up with Star Trek. We watched the original series in my house on a black and white 13″ Zenith TV that we thought was all anyone needed. It was the same TV I sleepily watched while Neil Armstrong took the first steps on the actual moon. Later came […]

Movies Barbara Movie Shot

A doctor living in East Germany in 1980 is forced to endure the humiliation of working in a remote low-tech hospital in Barbara. Barbara is the kind of film artsy reviewers love but that challenge many viewers to comprehend why. It’s billed as a political and psychological thriller but will elicit little sense of either […]

Movies The Host Movie Shot

The next grand tale from the author of the Twilight Saga pits humanity against an alien race that exists by inhabiting the bodies of other races in The Host. A race of aliens known as Souls takes over Earth over with almost no bloodshed. These Souls take over a human and eradicate all of their memories […]

Movies The Croods Movie Shot

Dramatic climate change suddenly threatens the existence of a solitary caveman family in the new animated film from Dreamworks—The Croods. The main plot of The Croods is pretty typical in that it takes current day aspects of everyday life and pastes them onto a Paleolithic family. The father, Grug (voiced by Nicolas Cage), is obsessed […]

Movies Timeline Cards (front)

Timeline is a simple little game that we’ve been playing of late. The core game (now more accurately referred to as Timeline: Inventions) comes with 110 cards that depict inventions throughout human history. The cards have a picture of the invention on both sides and its name. On just one side of the card you’ll […]

Movies No Movie Shot

An unassuming local adman is recruited to head up the messaging for a referendum vote to determine the fate of Chile’s long-time dictator in the new foreign film, No. In 1988, under intense worldwide pressure, Chilean dictator General Augusto Pinochet decided to allow his people to vote on whether he should run the country for another […]