Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

As I’ve mentioned previously many conservatives believe that the Democratic party is the party of hate. Specifically they feel that any conservative woman in politics is hated by the left. Take the case of Sarah Palin. All we hear from Sean Hannity and the other pundits is that everyone on the left fears her and […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Quite a bit has been said about a story put up by Calvin Woodward of the Associated Press. The story is a fact-check piece he did on Sarah Palin‘s new book, Going Rogue. The conservative blog Politico took issue with the story and managed to create an entirely new talking point that’s exploded across the […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

I’ve been hanging out on a few heavily-conservative forums to see what the signal to noise ratio is on these sites and it’s pretty much what I expected. Understand that I see the same sort of examples on liberal sites as well especially on sites like Media Matters and Huffington Post. Liberals on sites such […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

I encountered a story yesterday that took place a century and a half ago. The story is about a very successful businessman who finds himself surrounded, on all fronts, by laggards and layabouts. Everyone wants to take advantage of him. His workers are never thankful for the opportunities he has created for them. The only […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Unless you’re from the New York 23rd district chances are that you’d likely never heard of it prior to all the publicity it received regarding input from Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich and all the conservative talkers. It was being called a referendum on President Obama but now that the Democrat, Bill Owens, has apparently won […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Listening to Sean Hannity on the way home from a doctor appointment today and he’s once again screwing up every reality we have all lived through. He finally got to one of his big rallying cries to suggest President Obama is taking us into socialism and asking the seemingly powerful question, “Where has socialism ever […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

An NBC news station is reporting that a 3-month old baby in Denver is not eligible for health care coverage because he’s simply too big. If you don’t know how it works babies and children are measured in terms of percentiles against the average. Little Alex Lange is in the 99th percentile which means he’s […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

President Obama has been chosen as the winner of the latest Nobel Peace Prize. Now the PR campaign has begun by the Right to paint the award as a “popularity contest” and one that they don’t recognize or don’t want to be associated with. Back when I voted for Obama I stated that my main […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

In response to my previous post I joined a forum on Bernie Goldberg‘s site. On the forum I found a heated discussion about how blacks are racists because they voted for Barack Obama based on the color of his skin. In response I wrote back: Look folks…. Let’s get silly with this to make a […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Last night on the Bill O’Reilly show noted right-wing commentator and author Bernie Goldberg, with whom I have virtually no views in common, took Bill to task over the so-called fair and balanced claims made by various personalities on the network. They were discussing why Fox News is often the target of other media personalities. […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

I last wrote a little on the misconstrued concept of American Exceptionalism as put forth by right-wing pundits. I wanted to follow it up with a few images to give a visual to what it is that these so-called experts just skip over whenever they talk about this situation as if it just exuded nothing […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Today on Rush Limbaugh‘s radio show he spent some time deriding President Barack Obama over, as usual, just about anything the man does, ever has done and ever will do. There’s nothing new in that for Mr. Limbaugh. During one segment he spoke about how Obama doesn’t understand the concept of American Exceptionalism. He points […]