Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

One of the neat things about having a journalist on hand for virtually an entire administration as Bob Woodward was during the Bush years is that you’ve got someone trained and experienced at taking copious and accurate notes on virtually everything. In a recent column Woodward shares the following item regarding Don Rumsfeld‘s re-imagining of […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

So this morning on the way into work I’m listening to dead air on the radio also known locally as Dom Giordano. Among the many nuggets of free comedic entertainment he refers to as “facts” was his commentary on a recent popular poll. The poll is the one many of us have seen that shows […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Several bright friends of mine, all fanatical conservatives or libertarians, have been on the warpath about a number of moves by the current administration. Invariably, for them, it all comes down to the free market and how history shows—or so they say—that free markets always work when left entirely alone. In their view there’s virtually […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

I just listened to our local conservative again this morning on the way into work tell his listeners that it’s President Obama‘s fault that people are having to work two jobs due to his continued destruction of our economy. He invoked President Reagan during the diatribe and that got me thinking about some data points […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

I hear that refrain time and again from associates, on the radio, on conservative TV segments, etc. It sounds like one heck of a great argument. You work hard. You do the right things. You make your own way but you have to keep sending money to the government who uses it to do various […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

So once again the entire “birther” conspiracy and fiasco is in the news. Tonight on conservative radio I had to hear about how every other President has had to prove his citizenship by producing his birth certificate. The other big item was that even John McCain had to prove his when he ran for President. […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

If you’re like me you may have missed loony Congresswoman Michele Bachmann‘s most recent gaffe given during a speech on January 21. It contains a claim that’s so entirely, ridiculously, obviously wrong that it bears questioning how anyone could possibly support this woman any longer. The sooner she’s out of politics the better off this […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Don’t you hate it when you just know you’re right about some perspective you have but, of course, you don’t have the actual evidence at hand at the exact moment you need it? I’ve been watching and listening to various conservative outlets with respect to the violent rhetoric issue since the Tucson episode. Numerous times […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

While looking over some news articles one of them had a photo associated with it that I just couldn’t stop contemplating. The photo is from the 2006 concession speech given by ex-Pennsylvania Senator (and total douche) Rick Santorum. The picture is just frankly bizarre. Is it just me or does everyone but the ex-Senator look […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

I’ve been a bit busy with life and a number of things that have kept me away from the radio in my car. Plus with all the holidays the various radio shows have been filled with guest hosts and such so it’s been a bit bland of late. For those that know me they know […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

The saying goes, “Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it.” I think this bears major contemplation as our gasoline prices top $3 a gallon with virtually no one talking about it as if it has any major impact on our daily lives. Each time this happens we get the typical stories […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

So yesterday while in the car I’m listening to Rush Limbaugh. He’s going on about Jon Meacham‘s latest article about how George H.W. Bush had a lot to do with the strong economy of the mid-1990’s. His tones are typical Rush. Meacham’s already “in the tank for the lefties“. This must mean he’s got a […]