A Cure For Wellness Review
A Cure For Wellness is ruined by countless unforced errors.
A Cure For Wellness is ruined by countless unforced errors.
Many moons ago, kemosabe, Will Smith was the talk of the trail as he dominated the Fourth of July movies with Independence Day and then Men in Black. Greedy producers thought that they could produce the same magic once again, and they pushed their luck with a Western called Wild Wild West. Similarly, the folks […]
Rango is the very first animated film from the magicians at Industrial Light & Magic who’ve raised the technology bar in Hollywood so many times over the years that they’ve made it seem commonplace to do so. This first effort has first effort written all over it. The look is typical ILM. In other words […]
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End fared no better than the other duds I saw this weekend. In fact, I would say I enjoyed Shrek 3 more and if you just read that review that about says it all. The movie was three hours long and that was three hours too long. I found none […]