Jungle Cruise Review
Jungle Cruise presents both adventure and constant danger at a level much higher and more engaging than the work of even the best Disney skippers.
Jungle Cruise presents both adventure and constant danger at a level much higher and more engaging than the work of even the best Disney skippers.
An experience that goes off the rails almost from boarding.
A troubled former mob hit man comes to his estranged son’s rescue in Run All Night. Jimmy Conlon (Liam Neeson) has seen better days. He and his longtime best friend, Shawn Maguire (Ed Harris), grew up together and have an enduring promise to always stick together. Shawn’s seedier talents led him to become a top […]
Liam Neeson has had some incredible success with action films in the Taken movies, so it’s no surprise that he would want to keep this ball rolling as long as he can. I think that my fellow reviewer, Rich Heimlich, assured that Non-Stop would be an in-flight disaster when he remarked in The Year in […]
While on an industry event of my own I managed to find the time to check out Liam Neeson‘s newest film, Unknown. Neeson’s character is (ironically) on a trip with his wife as a guest speaker at an industry event in Berlin. After an accident he wakes up several days later in the hospital and, upon leaving, […]