GENRE: Action

Movies Avatar Movie Shot

I have to be honest and say that everything I saw about Avatar before it came out made me think it’d be a complete letdown if not a total disaster. The only hope I had was that it was being handled by James Cameron. Cameron has been through such concerns before. People may not recall, […]

Movies Surrogates Movie Shot

This week found me checking out the new Bruce Willis movie Surrogates. The movie starts with a rather compelling concept of humans living life through the use of hyper-realistic robots. Of course in this world no one’s surrogate is overweight, old or even has a wrinkle. The surrogates all have great hair, perfect skin, perfect […]

Movies 9 Movie Shot

I saw the movie 9 this week and the synergy with the date it was released (along with many new wondrous things from The Beatles) is, sadly, one of the best things to talk about with regard to the effort. The most notable positive of the movie is its amazing look. It’s an absolutely fantastic […]

Movies District 9 Movie Shot

This weekend I saw the new Peter Jackson movie, District 9. Be aware that while this is being called a Peter Jackson movie that he produced it and didn’t direct it. This is another movie that received nearly universal praise from reviewers and had a 91% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Given my past troubles with […]

Movies Star Trek Movie Shot

I wouldn’t call myself a Trekkie or a Trekker. However, I would call myself a fan of the Star Trek series. I know some terms that complete non-fans wouldn’t likely know (for example, that TOS stands for “The Original Series”) but I wouldn’t do very well on Star Trek trivia. Before I get to the […]

Movies Monsters vs. Aliens Movie Shot

Saw two films this week and nearly forgot to mention one I’d seen a couple of weeks ago. Yes, it’s been that busy around here. At this pace it’s going to be a challenge to see a lot of films at the theater. Anyway, a couple of weeks back I saw the Dreamworks animated movie […]

Movies Knowing Movie Shot

I had a pretty interesting week for movies. I managed to catch two different films that were on opposite sides of the spectrum in nearly every way. First up was the Nicolas Cage sci-fi thriller, Knowing. This might turn out to be the best “worst” film of the year. It was almost universally panned except […]

Movies Watchmen Movie Shot

This past weekend found me at the theater for my first official 2009 movie, The Watchmen. The movie is taken from a highly-celebrated and successful graphic novel of the same name. The movie also was the focus of legal wrangling that threatened to derail the entire project. If you don’t know the story (and most […]

Movies Taken Movie Shot

This past week I caught two movies. The first was the much-advertised Taken starring Liam Neeson. Unless you just never turn on a TV then you’re more than familiar with the commercial showing Neeson talking to his panicked daughter hidden under a bed and telling her, “They’re going to take you” just before she’s snatched […]

Movies Defiance Movie Shot

The next movie for this weekend is Defiance starring Daniel Craig outside his Bond persona. It’s 1941 and the Germans are storming through Eastern Europe. The plan is wholesale slaughter especially with regard to the Russian Jews they encounter along the way. Craig plays a true life character that, in the attempt to save his own family’s life, becames entangled in […]

Movies Quantum of Solace Movie Shot

We saw the new James Bond movie, Quantum of Solace, on Friday. The last film, Casino Royale, re-invigorated the James Bond franchise and gave us a surprisingly strong Bond in Daniel Craig. This film is a complete mystery to me. In almost every area that Casino succeeded, this incarnation fails. The open credits are dull. […]

Movies Madagascar 2 Movie Shot

The family headed out to see Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa which is, of course, the sequel to 2005’s animated success Madagascar. The original was a surprisingly funny film with some fresh material that impressed many. It tells the story of four main characters—a lion, zebra, giraffe and hippo, that live in a zoo in New […]