GENRE: Action

Movies Tropic Thunder Movie Shot

We saw the comedy Tropic Thunder this weekend. It’s the latest movie starring Ben Stiller (who also directed). It also stars Robert Downey Jr, Jack Black and a host of other noted personalities. The basic storyline revolves around a movie shoot that focuses on trying to get the very best performances from some difficult movie stars […]

Movies The Dark Knight Movie Shot

This weekend we saw both of the “big” movies. First up was The Dark Knight. However, what’s interesting is that Mamma Mia! is selling out here right alongside the huge sellouts for Batman. I’ve never seen the local theater so packed. The Dark Knight is the latest Batman movie and second for Christian Bale. Bale […]

Movies Hellboy II: The Golden Army Movie Shot

Writer/director Guillermo del Toro returns the world of his 2004 film, Hellboy. Hellboy II: The Golden Army is an action-packed comedic surprise that will keep most any viewer glued to their seat. It also comes on the heels of del Torro’s masterwork, 2006’s Pan’s Labyrinth. I’m most notably not a comic book fan and, as […]

Movies Get Smart Movie Shot

We saw Get Smart this weekend. This is the film based on the 1960s cult classic TV comedy of the same name. I have to say that I agree with what a few reviewers said about it. I felt very much like the producers couldn’t make up their mind exactly what kind of movie they were […]

Movies Iron Man Movie Shot

Yesterday the entire family went out together to see Iron Man starring Robert Downey Jr. As is the case with a lot of the Marvel and D.C. superhero movies, not being a comic book fan, I’m not all that familiar with most of the non-A-list characters. I’d never heard of Iron Man prior to the […]

Movies The Forbidden Kingdom Movie Shot

This past weekend we ventured out to see, “The Forbidden Kingdom”. It’s a new martial arts movie starting Jackie Chan and Jet Li. The story is about a teenager who’s heavily into martial arts movies and lore (but not actually into the actual physical side of it) and befriends an elderly pawn shop owner in […]

Movies Cloverfield Movie Shot

We saw Cloverfield yesterday. It’s been talked about as a new Blair Witch-like experience in that there are no big name actors and it’s all shot from a first-person perspective where the viewpoint is all taken from a video camera held by one of the participants. It’s also referred to as a “found footage” film. However, […]

Movies National Treasure: Book of Secrets Movie Shot

Next up is National Treasure: Book of Secrets. The first incarnation of this sequel received pretty poor reviews and yet I found it entirely entertaining and interesting. When the bad reviews for this one came in I ignored them hoping it was more the same as the first time around. Sadly, this version takes just […]

Movies Beowulf Movie Shot

Just got back from seeing Beowulf in digital 3D. The first thing I noticed was that the digital presentation was much better than I anticipated. Everything was pretty flawless though the edges of the screen lacked a bit for brightness. I’ve had concerns about resolution (jaggies) and other issues but they were all pretty much put […]

Movies The Bourne Ultimatum Movie Shot

Next up we saw The Bourne Ultimatum, which is the best three-peat movie of the year. I didn’t find it as good as the first movie but quite a bit better than the second one. It’s a wonderfully fun rollercoaster ride. Action movies will have a hard time beating this for sheer edge-of-the-seat fun. The story […]

Movies Transformers Movie Shot

Transformers is a world I knew very little about. I was older when the toys hit the store shelves and never watched the cartoon series. In fact, I didn’t even realize that they consisted of good and evil sides. I just thought they were a bunch of creative multi-function toys. Turns out that none of […]