GENRE: Action

Movies Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Movie Shot

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End fared no better than the other duds I saw this weekend. In fact, I would say I enjoyed Shrek 3 more and if you just read that review that about says it all. The movie was three hours long and that was three hours too long. I found none […]

Movies Spider-Man 3 Movie Shot

Spider-Man 3 started off the bad luck of a bad, bad weekend of terrible third installments in major franchises. I enjoyed both previous movies but this one went terribly wrong early on. The entire middle section was a complete joke and the ending did little to undo the damage. The only bright spot I could […]

Movies Casino Royale Movie Shot

A newly elevated British secret agent embarks on his first mission as 007 in Casino Royale. The latest film in the James Bond canon returns to its roots with a bang and, I must say, I was very impressed with the result. Daniel Craig does an excellent job. In fact, by the end of the movie I […]