Bohemian Rhapsody Review
A tedious experience that made me cringe more than applaud or smile.
A tedious experience that made me cringe more than applaud or smile.
First Man attempts to bring color to a man who embodied the dull grays of the very surface to which he will forever be anchored.
Edgy with a rough-hewn style and the grace of a gorilla ordering a pale Pouilly-Fuissé.
Celebrates the downtrodden people, outcasts and defiant dreamers in a musical that you didn’t know that you needed to see.
The magic evaporates faster than the honey in Pooh’s pot.
Professor Marston and the Wonder Women is one of the most engaging stories of recent memory and one of the year’s best films.
Mark Felt’s high-stakes machinations keep the audience engaged, but only from a distance.
Battle of the Sexes is a wholly different experience than you might expect.
American Made is a rip-roaring romp of a ride.
American Made mints its own mountain of money with its rich blend of comedy, drama and biography.
Stronger doesn’t quite reach the bar of instilling inspiration.
Citizen Jane: Battle for the City is a repetitive, mildly curious documentary.