GENRE: Comedy

Movies Silver Linings Playbook Movie Shot

Oscar-nominated director David O’Russell gives us a romantic comedy starring Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Robert DeNiro, Jacki Weaver and more. Each of the four stars have also been nominated in their respective categories and the movie’s been nominated for best picture. This is, without question, a quirky film that happens to have been shot locally […]

Movies The Sessions Movie Shot

The Sessions is an unlikely tale that combines several aspects that seem completely incompatible and yet weaves it all together to form a beautiful, wonderfully meshed story. This is an autobiographical look at a portion of journalist and poet Mark O’Brien‘s life. One day O’Brien sets a goal to lose his virginity. However, there’s a […]

Movies Sleepwalk With Me Movie Shot

Sleepwalk with Me isn’t your typical Hollywood fare. It’s a bit of an odd mix of a straight-forward light comedy mixed in with a rather intriguing and interesting documentary style. The film purports to give us a glimpse of the real life of stand-up comedian Mike Birbiglia. Mike is very much your average fish-out-of-water type. […]

Movies Robot & Frank Movie Shot

The movie poster for Robot & Frank evokes a bit of wonder that grabbed my attention instantly. This was a film I needed to see. The multitude of positive reviews certainly didn’t diminish my interest either. Leonard Maltin called it, “one of the most enjoyable indie films of the year.“ It stars Frank Langella, most […]

Movies The Intouchables Movie Shot

It’s not clear if the story told in The Intouchables is a true story, simply inspired by a true story or a fictional story claiming to be based on a true story but one thing is clear—it’s a charming story. The plot focuses on the coming together of two individuals from entirely dissimilar backgrounds. One […]

Movies Ruby Sparks Movie Shot

Calvin Weir-Fields (played by Paul Dano) is potentially America’s next great literary wonder. He had the fortune (or misfortune depending on your perspective) of writing a beloved book with his first effort out of the gate at 19 years old. Now, several years later, he’s stuck with a seemingly endless case of writer’s block while […]

Movies To Rome With Love Movie Shot

The other film of the week is Woody Allen‘s latest endeavor—To Rome with Love. Here we get a tale that involves us in the story lines of several groups of people all centered around Rome. First there’s Hayley and her new Italian boyfriend Michelangelo (Alison Pill and Flavio Parenti) and her parents, Jerry and Phyllis (Woody Allen and Judy Davis) […]

Movies Ted Movie Shot

Mark Wahlberg plays the straight man to his highly inappropriate, permanently immature childhood teddy bear in the CGI buddy film, Ted. Ted is the big-screen effort from small-screen impresario Seth MacFarlane of Family Guy fame (among others). That’s actually a good piece of information to know going into this film as Ted will feel extremely familiar […]

Movies Moonrise Kingdom Movie Shot

Here’s a film we didn’t plan to see. My party and I were there to catch another film (Brave) when one of the people in the group suggested we see the new Woody Allen movie first and then see the other film making it a double-header. So, we went about getting tickets and found our […]

Movies Your Sister's Sister Movie Shot

I love when you find a film entirely by surprise. I happened to be out taking a long walk around Philadelphia and needed a nice respite. That’s when we walked into one of the most popular art house theaters in town and decided to give this little known film a shot. The film is Your Sister’s […]