The Death of Stalin Review
A farcical mixed bag that will work for some and land with a dull thud for others.
A farcical mixed bag that will work for some and land with a dull thud for others.
Has all of the authenticity of a shiny $30 “Rolex.”
A comedy that keeps you guessing while you’re laughing.
It’s equal parts fervently funny, grossly graphic and utterly absurd.
Edgy with a rough-hewn style and the grace of a gorilla ordering a pale Pouilly-Fuissé.
A drawn-out reminder of “the grass is always greener” syndrome.
No film in 2017 surprised me more than this one.
A captivating, unrelenting tale that takes no prisoners.
This movie expertly straddles the line between horror and comedy.
Battle of the Sexes is a wholly different experience than you might expect.
American Made is a rip-roaring romp of a ride.
American Made mints its own mountain of money with its rich blend of comedy, drama and biography.