The Rescue Review
The Rescue lets you experience the edges of your empathy like never before.
The Rescue lets you experience the edges of your empathy like never before.
Citizen Jane: Battle for the City is a repetitive, mildly curious documentary.
Kedi is an undeniably curious, compelling premise and nothing more.
A network desperate for ratings unwittingly ignites an iconic political firestorm in the fascinating documentary Best of Enemies. In 1968, the populace of the United States suddenly found itself torn in half on several fronts. The escalating war in Vietnam pitted son against father. The Civil Rights movement set black against white. The growing women’s […]
Takes us on a journey inside the mind of a human being who knew few limitations.
Combines a compelling argument with exceptional footage and some strong production values.
Tells a twisted David and Goliath tale where the giant is an unassuming artistic savant and David is the steadfast do-gooder determined to bring him down.
Resonates its intensity with exceptional file footage that takes us right into the center of the action.
We feel like we’re getting a complete sense of Ebert’s world, unseemly warts and all.
Without question, a visual feast from beginning to end.
People who go to flea markets dream of the day that they buy an innocuous painting for $5 that turns out to be a valuable work of art. You hear these stories every year, and other modern equivalents involve treasures found in the contents of houses in estate sales or in storage lockers as seen […]
As the images and details continue to unfold, you find yourself pulled into its grip.