Hava Nagila (The Movie) Review
…at times, mesmerizing, touching, funny, informative and even astonishingly moving.
…at times, mesmerizing, touching, funny, informative and even astonishingly moving.
…goes far beyond the bias that’s typical of a documentarian to almost acting as a mouthpiece for the subject.
The story is told from both sides but with a heavy bias on the positives.
…makes a strong case for how the system is broken and people suffer as a result.
For all of my complaints about The Gatekeepers, I still found it to be an important and unique documentary.
It’s like watching an unedited reality show rather than a polished, professional film.
The titular liars and deniers get screen time in clips that make their comments and stances look particularly foolish.
It’s little more than a series of anecdotal sad stories about people around the country who struggle to feed themselves.
The absolute bluntness that the directors bring to their subject is astounding.
I feel like I know these people well and both root for them as well as empathize with them.
The first 90 minutes or so seem to drag along aimlessly.
An endlessly fascinating documentary about fur trappers and their way of life in Siberia.