Wonder Woman 1984 Review
Does little to help us rekindle the original film’s energy or, I fear, its success.
Does little to help us rekindle the original film’s energy or, I fear, its success.
Floors it as two brothers take on a valiant quest to reunite loved ones using long-dormant magic.
Rather than deplane before you reach Fantasy Island, settle back in your seat and ride out this surprisingly entertaining horror flick.
Lures you in with the tempting familiarity of the fairy tale and turns things upside down as it reveals its true nature.
Ties up some loose ends, yet it doesn’t provide all of the answers to questions raised throughout this trilogy.
Mixes high school romance and ho-hum heroics for a movie that’s still fun but leaves you wanting something better.
A summer feel-good romantic comedy that reminds you that love and music are essential to life every day.
The fourth installment of this venerable franchise returns with a surprisingly touching tale.
This is one elephant that needs to be put down.
Contains too many dead spots and occasionally wanders off course like a faulty broom on magical autopilot.
This unusual fantasy mixture of influences and visuals doesn’t lose your focus or interest.
Skillfully mixes playfulness and humanity for a touching look at motherhood.