GENRE: Thriller

Movies Super 8 Movie Shot

The previews for Super 8 make it crystal clear that Steven Spielberg was involved with the film and suggest he played a pretty big role in every part of its development. The end product, quite heavily, feels as if director J.J. Abrams set out to create an homage to Spielberg with this major release. Many films […]

Movies Limitless Movie Shot

This past week I finally caught up with Bradley Cooper‘s latest film, Limitless. The concept is one that’s been touched on before but not quite to this degree. Cooper’s character, Eddie Morra, is a rather typical, average guy, depressed and just sliding along in life. He’s a mess. He tells everyone he’s got a book […]

Movies Unknown Movie Shot

While on an industry event of my own I managed to find the time to check out Liam Neeson‘s newest film, Unknown. Neeson’s character is (ironically) on a trip with his wife as a guest speaker at an industry event in Berlin. After an accident he wakes up several days later in the hospital and, upon leaving, […]

Movies The Adjustment Bureau Movie Shot

This week I was invited to a sneak-preview of the upcoming Matt Damon film, The Adjustment Bureau. I’ve been looking forward to this film since I first saw a preview at it many months ago. I then started growing concerned as it seemed to pretty much vanish after that preview which is rarely a good […]

Movies Black Swan Movie Shot

In a mad dash to see just a few more films of 2010 I managed to catch three very strong ones this past weekend. The first film was the dark and foreboding Black Swan staring Natalie Portman along with Mila Kunis and Barbara Hershey. In a bit of unexpected fun the audience sat in the […]

Movies Inception Movie Shot

During the first 15 minutes or so of Inception I was completely lost. The film bounced around like a super-ball in a metal box. Finally, as it starts to unfold you begin to figure out what’s going on. The bottom line is that the story involves a leap of faith that I simply didn’t buy […]

Movies Date Night Movie Shot

A couple desperate for a carefree night on the town get far more than they bargained for in Date Night. It seemed inevitable that Steve Carrell and Tina Fey would end up together in a fairly straight-forward rom-com.  The powerhouse comedy duo play typical suburbanite parents caught up in the monotony of everyday life. They love one another, but both […]

Movies Frozen Movie Shot

As the blizzard of 2010 approached us I decided to go check out the new movie Frozen. It’s a lower-budget independent film that reminded me at once of Open Water—a no-frills movie shot almost entirely in a single oddly claustrophobic set with people you’ve never seen before. Let me say that I’ve enjoyed similar films […]

Movies Surrogates Movie Shot

This week found me checking out the new Bruce Willis movie Surrogates. The movie starts with a rather compelling concept of humans living life through the use of hyper-realistic robots. Of course in this world no one’s surrogate is overweight, old or even has a wrinkle. The surrogates all have great hair, perfect skin, perfect […]

Movies District 9 Movie Shot

This weekend I saw the new Peter Jackson movie, District 9. Be aware that while this is being called a Peter Jackson movie that he produced it and didn’t direct it. This is another movie that received nearly universal praise from reviewers and had a 91% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Given my past troubles with […]