GENRE: Thriller

Movies Taken Movie Shot

This past week I caught two movies. The first was the much-advertised Taken starring Liam Neeson. Unless you just never turn on a TV then you’re more than familiar with the commercial showing Neeson talking to his panicked daughter hidden under a bed and telling her, “They’re going to take you” just before she’s snatched […]

Movies Defiance Movie Shot

The next movie for this weekend is Defiance starring Daniel Craig outside his Bond persona. It’s 1941 and the Germans are storming through Eastern Europe. The plan is wholesale slaughter especially with regard to the Russian Jews they encounter along the way. Craig plays a true life character that, in the attempt to save his own family’s life, becames entangled in […]

Movies Valkyrie Movie Shot

This week I headed out to ski for the first time this year after taking last season off entirely. It became evident at the end of the season before that my leg still wasn’t recovered enough from my earlier break. While I went into the winter of 07-08 with lots of hope that just wasn’t […]

Movies Changeling Movie Shot

Clint Eastwood has always amazed me. Here’s a guy that has re-invented himself so many times over the years. He starts out in spaghetti westerns and moves on to better westerns, then becomes a top action hero followed by a solid drama actor and finally one of the very best directors the industry has to […]

Movies A Girl Cut in Two Movie Shot

Wow, that title reads great. Thankfully it’s not the way it sounds. I saw a movie called A Girl Cut in Two. The oddest part about it is that the only time that happens is at the end of the film in a sequence that makes absolutely no sense to the rest of the film. […]

Movies Transsiberian Movie Shot

This past weekend we saw a total of three movies. First up was an indy film that got solid reviews called, Transsiberian. It stars Woody Harrelson, Emily Mortimer and Ben Kingsley. The official synopsis describes it like this: “A Trans-Siberian train journey from China to Moscow becomes a thrilling chase of deception and murder when […]

Movies Tell No One Movie Shot

Saw two films this weekend again. The first one is a French movie called Ne Le Dis A Personne that’s marketed here as Tell No One. The story is about a pediatrician (French star François Cluzet) who loses his wife (Marie-Josée Croze) in a brutal murder and then has to cope with the consequences of it. He has […]

Movies Flawless Movie Shot

The last movie was a bit of an odd one. I didn’t see it at the theater. The TV station, HDNet Movies, worked out some trial deal to debut a movie on their channel a couple of days before it actually came out in theaters. The movie is called Flawless and stars Demi Moore and Michael Caine. The problem […]

Movies Funny Games Movie Shot

The movie of the week is Funny Games. It stars Naomi Watts and Tim Roth. Basically it’s a story about a typical well-to-do family that ends up tormented by two roving psychopaths. The movie had its moments. The psychos are very original. Unlike any others you’ve most likely seen in any movie. They’re so grating that […]

Movies The Orphanage Movie Shot

A mother returns to the home she grew up in and stumbles upon a shocking mystery in The Orphanage. Let’s start right off by saying that the marketing of this film is extremely misleading. Its poster and trailer proclaim it as being “Presented by Guillermo del Toro,” but del Toro is credited only as the […]