Cry Macho Review
In his latest film, Father Time is the one offering up the infamous line, “Go ahead, make my day.”
In his latest film, Father Time is the one offering up the infamous line, “Go ahead, make my day.”
The Revenant is an epic journey of tenacity, willpower and determination beyond imagination.
A supersized Quentin Tarantino experience that would taste just as good in a smaller portion.
Quentin Tarantino’s well-practiced aim misses the heart but still hits the target.
I love comedies, and I enjoy certain types of Westerns as well, especially those that push the boundaries in some way like Unforgiven or The Proposition. A Million Ways to Die in the West purports to be a Western comedy, yet it satisfies only the Western half of that description with its setting. It doesn’t […]
A spineless sheep rancher, obsessed with the harsh realities of Nineteenth Century life, falls for the wrong woman in A Million Ways to Die in the West. Animated TV comedy virtuoso Seth MacFarlane (Family Guy and American Dad) spoofs the classic Western at the helm of his second feature-length movie. The look and sound of the film’s […]
A onetime topflight salsa protégé is drawn back to the rigors of dance in Cuban Fury. In his early teens, Bruce Garrett (Nick Frost) was a salsa savant, ready to make his mark on the world by claiming a local major dance title. With his revered salsa coach, Ron (Ian McShane), awaiting his arrival, Bruce […]
Many moons ago, kemosabe, Will Smith was the talk of the trail as he dominated the Fourth of July movies with Independence Day and then Men in Black. Greedy producers thought that they could produce the same magic once again, and they pushed their luck with a Western called Wild Wild West. Similarly, the folks […]
I’m not at all sure who Quentin Tarantino targets his movies to but, with growing regularity, I’m clearly not one of his targets. His latest effort, Django Unchained, had its release delayed in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook tragedy. After seeing it, I now understand why. I just wish it had been delayed to […]
Let’s check out the Coen Brothers remake of the 1969 classic True Grit. Like many others I was shocked at this choice by the brothers as it seemed entirely disconnected from everything else they’ve ever done. However, I am a fan of the original and it’s my main connection with the super-stardom aura that was John Wayne. I’ve seen […]
The second movie this week is the new western Appaloosa starring Ed Harris, Viggo Mortensen, Renée Zellweger and Jeremy Irons. This was quite an interesting experience from the very start. I can’t say I’ve ever seen a film quite like this. The dialogue is entirely unique and the repartee between Harris and Mortensen is something you have to see […]
This weekend my son and I went to see 3:10 to Yuma. It stars Christian Bale and Russell Crowe in a classic western. It’s a remake of a 1957 film of the same name starring Glenn Ford. This was my son’s very first western so I was a bit apprehensive. Thankfully by the end it […]