Horton Hears A Who! Review

Horton Hears A Who! Movie Poster

The second movie came Friday night when my son and I went to see Dr. Suess’ Horton Hears A Who. This is the latest animated movie to come out and it’s done extremely well at the box office. I’ll give the writers credit. They did a wonderful job taking a very short book and turning it into a 90 minute movie. Bits and pieces of it are interesting. Some of the animation is great but much of it falls flat. The story suffers from all the obvious and frustrating plot lines. There are no surprises here and surprisingly few laughs for a Jim Carrey movie. The best part of the night was before the show where we saw a new preview of the next Pixar movie—WALL-E. I have high hopes for this one and this preview did nothing but support my thinking.

Horton Hears a Who! Movie Shot
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