Movies Charlie Wilson's War Movie SHot

We saw Charlie Wilson’s War last night. This is a movie starring Tom Hanks that I’ve been meaning to see since December and just couldn’t get to. It’s worth more of an effort. While the movie isn’t an Oscar contender it’s a bright, witty, entertaining movie that really does make you think about how our government […]

Movies Cloverfield Movie Shot

We saw Cloverfield yesterday. It’s been talked about as a new Blair Witch-like experience in that there are no big name actors and it’s all shot from a first-person perspective where the viewpoint is all taken from a video camera held by one of the participants. It’s also referred to as a “found footage” film. However, […]

Movies The Orphanage Movie Shot

A mother returns to the home she grew up in and stumbles upon a shocking mystery in The Orphanage. Let’s start right off by saying that the marketing of this film is extremely misleading. Its poster and trailer proclaim it as being “Presented by Guillermo del Toro,” but del Toro is credited only as the […]

Movies There Will Be Blood Movie Shot

Just got back from seeing There Will Be Blood. This is a movie that has been getting rave reviews from everywhere and is already being called one of the very best movies of 2007. Every reviewer that puts this at the top of his best movies list needs to be ignored from here on out. […]

Movies National Treasure: Book of Secrets Movie Shot

Next up is National Treasure: Book of Secrets. The first incarnation of this sequel received pretty poor reviews and yet I found it entirely entertaining and interesting. When the bad reviews for this one came in I ignored them hoping it was more the same as the first time around. Sadly, this version takes just […]

Movies I Am Legend Movie Shot

We saw two movies during the holiday time frame. The first one is I Am Legend. I’ve looked forward to seeing this one since hearing about it awhile ago. I’ve always really liked the 1971 version of this story — The Omega Man starring Charlton Heston. It was typical for an early 70s movie in that it includes some […]

Movies Juno Movie Shot

Tonight we finally got around to seeing the long-awaited Juno after seeing previews for it going back several months. It was absolutely worth the wait. Once again we were a bit apprehensive as Rotten Tomatoes had it rated as a 94. As I’ve endlessly stated, movies that have universal appeal tend to be over-the-top in areas […]

Movies Before the Devil Knows You're Dead Movie Shot

Just got back from seeing Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead. It wasn’t a bad movie. Again, another case of wonderful acting from the entire cast but generally a movie that felt like something that had covered ground we’ve seen many times before. Nothing in it came as a surprise and, personally, if you want […]

Movies American Gangster Movie Shot

Last week my friend and I saw American Gangster. The only positive thing I can say about the experience is that the acting was superb. I honestly felt like the movie was four or five hours long. It just drug out every detail to degrees I just didn’t care about. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve […]

Movies Enchanted Movie Shot

We just got back from seeing Disney‘s latest movie, Enchanted. It’s quite an achievement. It’s original, boasts a couple of Oscar-worthy songs and appeals to a wide audience. The beginning of the movie offers up a fantastic animated sequence that’s narrated by the ever-talented Julie Andrews. This early part of the story sets the tone for […]

Movies Beowulf Movie Shot

Just got back from seeing Beowulf in digital 3D. The first thing I noticed was that the digital presentation was much better than I anticipated. Everything was pretty flawless though the edges of the screen lacked a bit for brightness. I’ve had concerns about resolution (jaggies) and other issues but they were all pretty much put […]

Movies No Country For Old Men Movie Shot

We saw No Country for Old Men tonight while it’s in limited release. The movie showed to a packed house. It’s from the Coen Brothers and stars Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin and an unknown actor (Javier Bardem) playing the main role of the psychopath. There’s also some great character work from Woody Harrelson and Tess […]