Movies The Bourne Ultimatum Movie Shot

Next up we saw The Bourne Ultimatum, which is the best three-peat movie of the year. I didn’t find it as good as the first movie but quite a bit better than the second one. It’s a wonderfully fun rollercoaster ride. Action movies will have a hard time beating this for sheer edge-of-the-seat fun. The story […]

Movies Ratatouille Movie Shot

The next movie on the slate is the new Disney/Pixar film Ratatouille. I had seen nothing but wonderful reviews for this movie and due to this I also expected that I’d be disappointed. I find that when everyone loves a movie, I am left disappointed so now I go into such movies with skepticism. This entry […]

Movies Transformers Movie Shot

Transformers is a world I knew very little about. I was older when the toys hit the store shelves and never watched the cartoon series. In fact, I didn’t even realize that they consisted of good and evil sides. I just thought they were a bunch of creative multi-function toys. Turns out that none of […]

Movies Evan Almighty Movie Shot

On Sunday we got together for my mother-in-law’s birthday and as part of the day we saw Evan Almighty together. Evan Almighty is a decent movie. It’s getting hammered in the reviews and I can see why but it’s not terrible. I think after movies like Knocked Up and 40 Year-Old Virgin people just expect something else here. This was […]

Movies Surf's Up Movie Shot

A teenage penguin looking to break into the pro surfing circuit is the focus of a documentary in the shallow pools of Surf’s Up. This is the story of Cody Maverick (voiced by Shia LaBeouf), a young rockhopper penguin trying to become the next big surfing star of Antarctica. The event of the season is […]

Movies Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Movie Shot

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End fared no better than the other duds I saw this weekend. In fact, I would say I enjoyed Shrek 3 more and if you just read that review that about says it all. The movie was three hours long and that was three hours too long. I found none […]

Movies Shrek the Third Movie Shot

I can’t even recall large swaths of Shrek the Third and I just saw it Friday night. It was totally forgettable. I don’t know that much could have been done about it as this story really was about the uniqueness of it all. Once that was gone, there really wasn’t any point. This one felt like […]

Movies Spider-Man 3 Movie Shot

Spider-Man 3 started off the bad luck of a bad, bad weekend of terrible third installments in major franchises. I enjoyed both previous movies but this one went terribly wrong early on. The entire middle section was a complete joke and the ending did little to undo the damage. The only bright spot I could […]

Movies Letters From Iwo Jima Movie Shot

The famed World War II battle is retold from the perspective of the Japanese soldiers who lived it in Letters from Iwo Jima. Just two months after releasing Flags of our Fathers director Clint Eastwood gives us the same island battle but seen through the eyes of the other side. The first film I found to be […]

Movies Casino Royale Movie Shot

A newly elevated British secret agent embarks on his first mission as 007 in Casino Royale. The latest film in the James Bond canon returns to its roots with a bang and, I must say, I was very impressed with the result. Daniel Craig does an excellent job. In fact, by the end of the movie I […]