Zack And Miri Make A Porno Review


Zach and Miri Make a Porno Movie PosterJust saw the latest in yet another “Apatow-like” string of movies— Zack And Miri Make A Porno. It again has nothing to do with Judd Apatow, but has the many of the same actors whom seem to be forming their “Rat Pack”-like group of late.

This one stars Seth Rogen (a major force in these movies) and Elizabeth Banks who seems to be in every other movie over the last year or so. This time the movie is from Kevin Smith of Clerks fame. I should tell you right out that I thought Clerks was pretty interesting for an indie movie, but haven’t liked anything else the guy has done. I especially disliked the campy Dogma that so many of his fans love.

This, I’m pretty sure, goes down as his most mainstream movie for now despite there being a big bunch of idiotic press about the title of the movie. Of course the title was there for the shock value, but if you think you’re going to go see a porno then you miss the entire point.

Zack and Miri are life-long friends who live together and struggle to make ends meet. When things get desperate they decide they could make some fast money by making a porno. The story revolves around the silliness of trying to pull that off and the ramifications that the choice has on their friendship.

It has some funny moments, but it’s also campy in the style of other Kevin Smith movies. There are some interesting bit parts played by past Smith staples, along with past porn queen Traci Lords and current porn star Katie Morgan. Yes, I know some porn stars. Get over it. There’s also a surprising performance from Brandon Routh playing a gay friend of Miri’s. It’s surprising because Routh is most known for being the current squeaky-clean Superman. I can’t imagine the studio is too happy with his choice in roles here.

Overall it’s a decently fun time with some mildly titillating moments (it’s hard not to notice Katie Morgan’s heavily enhanced physique). The jokes are all pretty obvious but it’s still cute. The stink over the title has only drawn more attention to the movie for no good reason.

Zack and Miri Make a Porno Movie Shot
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