The Big Short Review
Like Schindler’s List peppered with lewd jokes every 15 minutes or so.
Like Schindler’s List peppered with lewd jokes every 15 minutes or so.
In a summer that already debuted Avengers: Age of Ultron, we didn’t really need more superhero movies. If you look over the upcoming schedule of Marvel films, they are almost all designed and scheduled to be blockbusters. Imagine my surprise when I saw Ant-Man on a similar list a couple of years ago. Ant-Man?! I […]
A socially ignorant millionaire, convicted of fraud, enlists the help of the only felon whom he knows in Get Hard. Investment banker James King (Will Ferrell) is living the dream. He’s got the great paying job, the treasure-laden estate, the trophy girlfriend, the status-worthy car, staff and clothing. The only thing that seems to be […]
Friday brought me back to the local theater to see Step Brothers. It’s the latest film from Judd Apatow starring Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly. As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve had some pretty good luck with past Apatow films. They can be silly but they’re usually good for some dependable laughs and a decent […]