The Mummy Review
The Mummy revives a classic movie monster with a new twist.
The Mummy revives a classic movie monster with a new twist.
The Mummy has just enough thrills and chills to keep everyone engaged.
Marvel‘s venerable web-slinger returns to protect the city from Electro, the Green Goblin and OsCorp in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. I grew up with what’s called “Retro Spider-Man” — an animated series that originally ran from 1967 to 1970. Even with its occasionally outrageous plots and rather low-quality animation, every kid in the neighborhood was a huge […]
There’s a reason that fan fiction is so enjoyable. When someone who loves an entertainment property creates his own story to add to the canon, it’s likely that it’s as good as if not better than other entries. As a fan of Star Trek, director J.J. Abrams rebooted the series in 2009 and still managed […]
I wouldn’t call myself a Trekkie or a Trekker. However, I would call myself a fan of the Star Trek series. I know some terms that complete non-fans wouldn’t likely know (for example, that TOS stands for “The Original Series”) but I wouldn’t do very well on Star Trek trivia. Before I get to the […]
Transformers is a world I knew very little about. I was older when the toys hit the store shelves and never watched the cartoon series. In fact, I didn’t even realize that they consisted of good and evil sides. I just thought they were a bunch of creative multi-function toys. Turns out that none of […]