Blonde Review
Blonde’s platinum sheen is nothing more than a dime-store dye job.
Blonde’s platinum sheen is nothing more than a dime-store dye job.
It immediately reminds us of Goodfellas, and the comparison does this film no favors.
Outrageously complex to the point where we feel like it’s chasing its own tail.
Serves up a fun-size treat instead of a full snack.
Edgy with a rough-hewn style and the grace of a gorilla ordering a pale Pouilly-Fuissé.
No film in 2017 surprised me more than this one.
Woody Allen‘s latest film bounces between New York and San Francisco as it follows a one-time wealthy socialite who has to come to terms with her new, less fortunate, reality in Blue Jasmine. Jasmine French (Cate Blanchett), is an invented name as fake as the person who created it. Jasmine has always seen herself above […]