Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House Review
Mark Felt’s high-stakes machinations keep the audience engaged, but only from a distance.
Mark Felt’s high-stakes machinations keep the audience engaged, but only from a distance.
The only gold in this lightly engaging film is a glowing performance from Bryce Dallas Howard.
A news producer finds herself surrounded by controversy when her story on a sitting President comes under scrutiny in the fascinating docudrama Truth. In the early 1960s, CBS owner and chairman William S. Paley told a gathering of his news staff to forget about the cost of news. “I have Jack Benny to make money,” he […]
A hopeful valet with a blue-collar background strikes up an unlikely relationship with a lonely girl from an upper-class family in Endless Love. This remake of a 1981 film that starred a young Brooke Shields reimagines the original story about two young classmates who find each other just after their high school graduation. David Elliot […]
There’s a reason that fan fiction is so enjoyable. When someone who loves an entertainment property creates his own story to add to the canon, it’s likely that it’s as good as if not better than other entries. As a fan of Star Trek, director J.J. Abrams rebooted the series in 2009 and still managed […]
The potential long-term consequences of the choices we make come under the microscope in Derek Cianfrance‘s latest film, The Place Beyond the Pines. Luke Glanton (Ryan Gosling), a struggling motorcycle stunt rider, finds out that a past lover (Eve Mendes) has a baby boy that he fathered the year before. He decides that he has to […]
Denzel Washington stars in a new film as a heroic but troubled airline captain in Flight. This is a film that manages to effectively blend a first-rate thriller and a compelling drama into one fluid story line that will have most viewers glued to the edge of their seats throughout. The film really takes place […]
A politically incorrect womanizer finds love, loss and understanding in Barney’s Version. Here we get to experience a fantastic bit of film-making with story telling of the highest caliber. Every so often a film comes along that just reaches out, grabs you and resonates down to your very core. For me this is one of […]
I wouldn’t call myself a Trekkie or a Trekker. However, I would call myself a fan of the Star Trek series. I know some terms that complete non-fans wouldn’t likely know (for example, that TOS stands for “The Original Series”) but I wouldn’t do very well on Star Trek trivia. Before I get to the […]
Next up is National Treasure: Book of Secrets. The first incarnation of this sequel received pretty poor reviews and yet I found it entirely entertaining and interesting. When the bad reviews for this one came in I ignored them hoping it was more the same as the first time around. Sadly, this version takes just […]