Barbie Review
Barbie is akin to Joe Camel espousing the virtues of a healthy lifestyle.
Barbie is akin to Joe Camel espousing the virtues of a healthy lifestyle.
Collateral Beauty has a bounty of potential that’s wasted in the hands of a bad writer.
The unoriginal plot meandered its way along like a stoned senior looking for a snack.
I avoided the fraternities and sororities in college except for the parties. Some of those were quite wild and involved all kinds of drinking stunts and things I wouldn’t even consider today. That kind of spirit infuses Monsters University, but the emphasis is on scares instead of drinking. This is the first prequel to a […]
Next up is National Treasure: Book of Secrets. The first incarnation of this sequel received pretty poor reviews and yet I found it entirely entertaining and interesting. When the bad reviews for this one came in I ignored them hoping it was more the same as the first time around. Sadly, this version takes just […]