Avengers: Infinity War Review
Feels like a never-ending supply of sweet moments with a better plot probably saved for its sequel.
Feels like a never-ending supply of sweet moments with a better plot probably saved for its sequel.
Puts the Asgardian god of thunder on top of the Marvel Universe mountain for the first time.
The Jungle Book is compelling, exciting and occasionally scary as it reinvents with modern technology and smart casting.
We’re now in the midst of a glut of movies based on Marvel superheroes and other characters, and there’s no sign of it letting up. For comic book fanboys, this is great; for the rest of moviegoers, it may not be so exciting. I’ll cross my fingers that things don’t decline to the point that there’s […]
I managed to catch the highly-anticipated Prometheus from Ridley Scott. This is, essentially, the prequel to his smash hit Alien. Scott has been a challenge for me. Much of his biggest films I’ve found lacking heavily—most often with regard to entirely silly plot points that flat-out make no sense. Thus, I tend to wait to see his films. Friends […]