Asteroid City Review
Asteroid City is as flat and unremarkable as its surrounding landscape.
Asteroid City is as flat and unremarkable as its surrounding landscape.
The bumps along the way quickly disappear in the rearview mirror, leaving you alone to enjoy the rest of the ride.
There has been an annoying trend in recent years to split up the adaptations of the final books in popular series into two or more movies. Whereas it made perfect sense for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows because there was just too much content for one movie, it was just milking it to have […]
A vampire, disillusioned by the monotony of an endless existence, finds solace in the arms of his estranged partner in Only Lovers Left Alive. To live forever. It’s a universal dream of nearly every human to have walked the Earth. Vampires, by virtue of their undead immortality, no longer need to concern themselves with such […]
Victors of the previous year’s games find anything but the peace they were promised in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. I need to point out right up front that I never read any of the incredibly successful books behind the films. As such, I can’t really speak to the faithfulness of the story from book […]
The term “The Ides of March” refers, in modern parlance, to an impending doom. It’s most common use is in the William Shakespeare play Julius Caesar who recounts a seer warning Caesar in advance of his assassination to “beware the Ides of March.” In that case it was simply a reference to the middle of […]
We saw the new James Bond movie, Quantum of Solace, on Friday. The last film, Casino Royale, re-invigorated the James Bond franchise and gave us a surprisingly strong Bond in Daniel Craig. This film is a complete mystery to me. In almost every area that Casino succeeded, this incarnation fails. The open credits are dull. […]
On Saturday we saw the Oliver Stone biopic on George W. Bush called simply, W. There really isn’t a whole lot to like here. Stone knows how to make a riveting movie and this is not one of them. It does a great job of presenting the facts (which he’s had a past tendency to play very loose with) and the acting is […]
A newly elevated British secret agent embarks on his first mission as 007 in Casino Royale. The latest film in the James Bond canon returns to its roots with a bang and, I must say, I was very impressed with the result. Daniel Craig does an excellent job. In fact, by the end of the movie I […]