Hail, Caesar! Review
Hail, Caesar! feels like a potluck dinner of random recipes quickly tossed into one big salad bowl.
Hail, Caesar! feels like a potluck dinner of random recipes quickly tossed into one big salad bowl.
An adolescent viking and his pet dragon encounter a disturbing clan that threatens the peace in How to Train Your Dragon 2. 2010’s animated film How to Train Your Dragon was one of my five best for the year. It introduced us to the story of young Hiccup (voiced by Jay Baruchel), the awkward but inventive son […]
I first encountered LEGO bricks in the late ‘70s. I was torn between sinking all of my meager savings from chores, birthdays and holidays into LEGO sets or my new Atari 2600, and the video games prevailed. Were it not for a greater addiction to video games, I could have gone down that path of […]
A highly motivated stockbroker rises from neophyte to Nero in The Wolf of Wall Street. With all the more recent news about Wall Street excess, it’s sometimes easy to forget the myriad of scandals that came before. In the ’80s and ’90s, we had crooks like Michael Milken, Ivan Boesky and, of course, the folks […]
A young viking befriends an injured dragon to the dismay of most of his village in How to Train Your Dragon. Animated films are often a challenge for many adults — especially those without children. Some are clearly meant for a younger audience, while others offer a much wider appeal. When I saw the previews for this […]
The next film for me was the new Ricky Gervais comedy, The Invention of Lying. When I saw the previews for this I was immediately enthralled with the concept. The idea is quite compelling. We have a world where everyone tells the truth to such a degree that the word “truth” isn’t even in their vocabulary. It’s just […]
A heart-broken musician heads to Hawaii to escape his breakup in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Let me say right now that my least favorite part of this movie is its title. It’s the most forgettable part of the film. The story comes to us from it’s lead actor Jason Segel who we’ve seen in lesser roles […]
The second movie came Friday night when my son and I went to see Dr. Suess’ Horton Hears A Who. This is the latest animated movie to come out and it’s done extremely well at the box office. I’ll give the writers credit. They did a wonderful job taking a very short book and turning […]
On Sunday we got together for my mother-in-law’s birthday and as part of the day we saw Evan Almighty together. Evan Almighty is a decent movie. It’s getting hammered in the reviews and I can see why but it’s not terrible. I think after movies like Knocked Up and 40 Year-Old Virgin people just expect something else here. This was […]