Babylon Review
Like a detailed treatise on the Holocaust, summarizing it as a great example in character building.
Like a detailed treatise on the Holocaust, summarizing it as a great example in character building.
First Man attempts to bring color to a man who embodied the dull grays of the very surface to which he will forever be anchored.
The enigmatic college dropout rises to become one of the most respected (and feared) business leaders in history in Jobs. Steve Jobs (Ashton Kutcher) was a force from his earliest days. Never one to play to social norms, Jobs moved to the beat of his own internal drummer. He had the gift for visionary thinking […]
During the first 15 minutes or so of Inception I was completely lost. The film bounced around like a super-ball in a metal box. Finally, as it starts to unfold you begin to figure out what’s going on. The bottom line is that the story involves a leap of faith that I simply didn’t buy […]