Angel Has Fallen Review
Picks itself up from a trash heap of clichés and ill-conceived casting to overcome its flawed foundation.
Picks itself up from a trash heap of clichés and ill-conceived casting to overcome its flawed foundation.
Had Noah stuck to an extended version of the classic tale, it would have been a powerful, dramatic film instead of the mixed bag that results
Enough years have passed since the ‘60s and ‘70s that many of the radicals, war protesters and antiestablishment groups have mellowed out, grown up or simply lost their drive. The members of the Weather Underground were more extreme in their actions and motivations in that they committed acts of violence and vandalism that would be […]
We saw the comedy Tropic Thunder this weekend. It’s the latest movie starring Ben Stiller (who also directed). It also stars Robert Downey Jr, Jack Black and a host of other noted personalities. The basic storyline revolves around a movie shoot that focuses on trying to get the very best performances from some difficult movie stars […]