Irresistible Review
Stewart takes a truly brilliant “what if” idea and then crudely shoehorns a narrative into place.
Stewart takes a truly brilliant “what if” idea and then crudely shoehorns a narrative into place.
A riveting true-life story of how our network news was forever changed by the politics that surrounded it.
You’ve heard before that you should never judge a book by its cover. I just learned this week that I should also never judge a stoner by his long hair and flannel. I wasn’t sure what to expect with American Ultra. I only knew that it was about a guy who was lazily coasting through […]
The Big Wedding is aseries of loosely connected skits forced together.
Spider-Man 3 started off the bad luck of a bad, bad weekend of terrible third installments in major franchises. I enjoyed both previous movies but this one went terribly wrong early on. The entire middle section was a complete joke and the ending did little to undo the damage. The only bright spot I could […]