Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again Review
It’s too long where it should be shorter and too short where it should be longer.
It’s too long where it should be shorter and too short where it should be longer.
If you read the plots for Ted and Ted 2, you would think that they’re completely ridiculous — and they are. A teddy bear named Ted comes to life and hangs out with his best friend, acting and talking like an adult? Yeah, right! For whatever reason, this silliness resonated with me and millions of other […]
I love comedies, and I enjoy certain types of Westerns as well, especially those that push the boundaries in some way like Unforgiven or The Proposition. A Million Ways to Die in the West purports to be a Western comedy, yet it satisfies only the Western half of that description with its setting. It doesn’t […]
A spineless sheep rancher, obsessed with the harsh realities of Nineteenth Century life, falls for the wrong woman in A Million Ways to Die in the West. Animated TV comedy virtuoso Seth MacFarlane (Family Guy and American Dad) spoofs the classic Western at the helm of his second feature-length movie. The look and sound of the film’s […]
Animated films seem to have fallen into a rut lately where they introduce characters only for the merchandise or otherwise forget that the film’s quality should come first. That’s not to say that they’re bad, but I expect more wonder and excitement from animated films because filmmakers can do so much in them that they […]
The Big Wedding is aseries of loosely connected skits forced together.
The latest interpretation of one of the most famous stories in literature and stage, Les Miserables, comes to the big screen as a musical. It stars Hugh Jackman (Jean Valjean), Russell Crowe (Javert), Anne Hathaway (Fantine), Amanda Seyfried (Cosette) and more. I will say from the start that I’m a big fan of the stage version of […]
Mamma Mia! is a beautiful, funny, enjoyable film that is every bit the equal of the stage show.