Black Bag Review
The dialogue is witty, snitty, and sharp—the kind of thing Soderbergh can craft in his sleep.
The dialogue is witty, snitty, and sharp—the kind of thing Soderbergh can craft in his sleep.
Nightmare Alley suffers from pacing issues as it essentially packs two movies into one.
This is one flat Ocean. That might make for smooth sailing, but not so smooth for a film.
Puts the Asgardian god of thunder on top of the Marvel Universe mountain for the first time.
Knight of Cups will coerce you into contemplating the benefits of seppuku.
A riveting true-life story of how our network news was forever changed by the politics that surrounded it.
The translation of animated properties to live-action movies has a mixed past. I still cringe when I think of Speed Racer and The Flintstones and its sequel. I was not impressed when I heard that there was going to be a live-action version of Cinderella. After all, the original Disney classic is one of the […]
An adolescent viking and his pet dragon encounter a disturbing clan that threatens the peace in How to Train Your Dragon 2. 2010’s animated film How to Train Your Dragon was one of my five best for the year. It introduced us to the story of young Hiccup (voiced by Jay Baruchel), the awkward but inventive son […]
Woody Allen‘s latest film bounces between New York and San Francisco as it follows a one-time wealthy socialite who has to come to terms with her new, less fortunate, reality in Blue Jasmine. Jasmine French (Cate Blanchett), is an invented name as fake as the person who created it. Jasmine has always seen herself above […]
Well, my skiing didn’t get much better on Sunday than it had been on Saturday and part of that was due to lousy conditions for our first visit to Windham Mountain in New York. It looks like the kind of place I’d like if the weather would have cooperated. However with temperatures pushing 60 degrees […]
The family headed out as a group to see the latest installment of the Indiana Jones story entitled Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. What a mouthful that one is. First, I have to admit, that I have not been a fan of this series. I thought the first one was over-the-top and […]