The Only Living Boy in New York Review
The Only Living Boy in New York is an engrossing ride filled with insight and intrigue.
The Only Living Boy in New York is an engrossing ride filled with insight and intrigue.
You won’t get bored while watching R.I.P.D., but that doesn’t mean it’s really very good.
…makes a strong case for how the system is broken and people suffer as a result.
It’s little more than a series of anecdotal sad stories about people around the country who struggle to feed themselves.
Let’s check out the Coen Brothers remake of the 1969 classic True Grit. Like many others I was shocked at this choice by the brothers as it seemed entirely disconnected from everything else they’ve ever done. However, I am a fan of the original and it’s my main connection with the super-stardom aura that was John Wayne. I’ve seen […]
I finally got around to seeing The Men Who Stare at Goats. The previews for this one had me thinking that it looked like a dark comedy that might be a bit too dark. Yet it still had something that kept me interested in it. One of the big concerns was the director, Grant Heslof, […]
Yesterday the entire family went out together to see Iron Man starring Robert Downey Jr. As is the case with a lot of the Marvel and D.C. superhero movies, not being a comic book fan, I’m not all that familiar with most of the non-A-list characters. I’d never heard of Iron Man prior to the […]