Sicario: Day of the Soldado Review
It holds the tension with the empathy and effectiveness of a large metal vise.
It holds the tension with the empathy and effectiveness of a large metal vise.
Delivers the goods as an irreverently hilarious and literally side-splitting comedy.
Feels like a never-ending supply of sweet moments with a better plot probably saved for its sequel.
Hail, Caesar! feels like a potluck dinner of random recipes quickly tossed into one big salad bowl.
A SWAT team agent joins a covert government assignment to take down a daunting drug lord in the painfully slow Sicario. Kate Macer (Emily Blunt) is a proud, practiced FBI agent. She represents everything that’s good about law enforcement; she’s dedicated to its principles and excels at delivering tangible results. When the stakes get raised, […]
A desperate, wanted man compels a single mother and her son to give him shelter in Labor Day. When I was young, I wrote a detailed book report on the curious, true-life story of Patty Hearst. In 1974, the 19-year-old granddaughter of publishing magnate William Randolph Hearst was kidnapped from her apartment and held for […]
It’s been a long time since we’ve last encountered the team from the Men in Black series. For the record, I marginally enjoyed the first entry and thought the second one was just awful. Obviously that doesn’t exactly set me up as a huge fan for the third offering in the franchise. That’s how I […]
Last week we headed out to see the latest Sean Penn film—a biopic entitled Milk. It’s the story of the first openly gay politician elected to public office in America. The story takes place mainly throughout the 1970s and appears to stay very true to the actual events of the man and his time. The […]
On Saturday we saw the Oliver Stone biopic on George W. Bush called simply, W. There really isn’t a whole lot to like here. Stone knows how to make a riveting movie and this is not one of them. It does a great job of presenting the facts (which he’s had a past tendency to play very loose with) and the acting is […]
We saw No Country for Old Men tonight while it’s in limited release. The movie showed to a packed house. It’s from the Coen Brothers and stars Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin and an unknown actor (Javier Bardem) playing the main role of the psychopath. There’s also some great character work from Woody Harrelson and Tess […]