The Mountain Between Us Review
The real elevation exists between the audience and the story’s believability.
The real elevation exists between the audience and the story’s believability.
Collateral Beauty has a bounty of potential that’s wasted in the hands of a bad writer.
The visionary leader of Apple pulls no punches ensuring that his ideas and insights are followed to the last detail in the buggy biopic Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs (Michael Fassbender) was a man on a tireless mission to recast the perception of technology. Where others saw gizmos and gadgets, Jobs saw evolutionary cosmic beauty. This was […]
A desperate, wanted man compels a single mother and her son to give him shelter in Labor Day. When I was young, I wrote a detailed book report on the curious, true-life story of Patty Hearst. In 1974, the 19-year-old granddaughter of publishing magnate William Randolph Hearst was kidnapped from her apartment and held for […]
This weekend I managed to sneak in two more 2008 movies even though the latter one was officially released on December 31st. The first movie is Revolutionary Road starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio in their first pairing since the titanic Titanic. This is a story very much about the era that encompassed the 1950s. […]