Crimes of the Future Review
Crimes of the Future didn’t captivate me with its story despite the fascinating, gruesome effects and made me wish for a better experience in the present.
Crimes of the Future didn’t captivate me with its story despite the fascinating, gruesome effects and made me wish for a better experience in the present.
The bumps along the way quickly disappear in the rearview mirror, leaving you alone to enjoy the rest of the ride.
British spy 007 breaks ranks to follow a clue leading him into his own past in the poorly-conceived Spectre. Daniel Craig returns for his fourth appearance as Britain’s top secret agent, James Bond. This time around, he’s on a personal mission to expose a sinister organization, Spectre, run by a shadowy figure named Franz Oberhauser […]
An inquisitive high school junior struggles to find her own sexual identity in Blue is the Warmest Color. Our high school years are rife with lessons to be learned. The biggest, of course, are those learned outside the classroom, and those often include the most vexing challenges of our lives to that point. For those […]
Every year brings at least one new coming-of-age story. My favorite from this year is The Way, Way Back. Plots about sexual awakening are perhaps rarer, and when they do appear, they usually focus on a male’s perspective. It’s a challenge to successfully combine the two types of films in a single experience and center […]