Black Bag Review
The dialogue is witty, snitty, and sharp—the kind of thing Soderbergh can craft in his sleep.
The dialogue is witty, snitty, and sharp—the kind of thing Soderbergh can craft in his sleep.
Feels like a stand-alone story with little connection to the franchise other than some of the actors/characters and a country that still doesn’t trust mutants.
The plot and believability melt away to nothing over the course of the film.
Alien: Covenant blends the concepts of Prometheus with the terror and excitement of the best Alien films.
Song to Song requires a hearty dose of Dramamine and a bar within quick walking distance of the theater.
Easily the best work of Derek Cianfrance’s 30-year career
The visionary leader of Apple pulls no punches ensuring that his ideas and insights are followed to the last detail in the buggy biopic Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs (Michael Fassbender) was a man on a tireless mission to recast the perception of technology. Where others saw gizmos and gadgets, Jobs saw evolutionary cosmic beauty. This was […]
A young, would-be musician is asked to perform for an offbeat band whose eccentric singer stays hidden behind a fake head in Frank. Jon (Domhnall Gleeson) is your typical twentysomething who spends his days in a thankless, dead-end office job waiting for his big moment to arrive. The dream is to one day become a successful […]
Time travel movies and others that play with temporal realities are successful or not based on the strength of the plot. You could have the best cast in the world, and it will all end up lost to time if the story doesn’t make sense or, even worse, is too complicated. Some of the best […]
I managed to catch the highly-anticipated Prometheus from Ridley Scott. This is, essentially, the prequel to his smash hit Alien. Scott has been a challenge for me. Much of his biggest films I’ve found lacking heavily—most often with regard to entirely silly plot points that flat-out make no sense. Thus, I tend to wait to see his films. Friends […]
Two psychiatric giants intellectually joust in A Dangerous Method. This biopic on the complex relationship between Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud and Jung’s patient/mistress (played by Keira Knightley) looked riveting from the previews. I was sold on the concept from the outset. The film comes from David Cronenberg who knows how to present a highly-disturbing story. Initially the film was everything I expected. I […]
Okay, I got a little behind on some movie reviews so I need to get to these before they’re totally irrelevant. I’ll post them individually just in case I get side-tracked. I caught Jane Eyre. Here’s a classic work of literature that’s been told several times in various forms and I’ve managed to miss them […]