The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent Review
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent suffocates amid the challenge of its central stunt casting and doesn’t approach the level of crazy that you expect until too late.
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent suffocates amid the challenge of its central stunt casting and doesn’t approach the level of crazy that you expect until too late.
Dramatic climate change suddenly threatens the existence of a solitary caveman family in the new animated film from Dreamworks—The Croods. The main plot of The Croods is pretty typical in that it takes current day aspects of everyday life and pastes them onto a Paleolithic family. The father, Grug (voiced by Nicolas Cage), is obsessed […]
I had a pretty interesting week for movies. I managed to catch two different films that were on opposite sides of the spectrum in nearly every way. First up was the Nicolas Cage sci-fi thriller, Knowing. This might turn out to be the best “worst” film of the year. It was almost universally panned except […]
Next up is National Treasure: Book of Secrets. The first incarnation of this sequel received pretty poor reviews and yet I found it entirely entertaining and interesting. When the bad reviews for this one came in I ignored them hoping it was more the same as the first time around. Sadly, this version takes just […]