Ocean’s Eight Review
This is one flat Ocean. That might make for smooth sailing, but not so smooth for a film.
This is one flat Ocean. That might make for smooth sailing, but not so smooth for a film.
A trio of would-be henchmen search for a new master in the animated spin-off film Minions. Minions are a curious species of creature finding contentment only when they’re in the employ of an evil overlord.That’s the flimsy main plot of the first film featuring the strange little yellow characters made famous in the Despicable Me […]
If you ask anyone about the Despicable Me movies, they’re sure to mention the Minions, the tiny yellow creatures that steal the show. It was only a matter of time before the Minions had their own film. I really looked forward to this feature because the Minions appeal to those of us who like slapstick […]
When I first heard about Gravity, I joked about it and thought that it could never work. An entire movie of Sandra Bullock and George Clooney floating around in space?! No way! Would it be a disaster or a triumph? As I always do, I withhold judgment until I actually see a movie — no matter how […]
A space shuttle crew effecting repairs on the Hubble Space Telescope is bombarded by space debris, leaving them helpless in the vacuum of space in Gravity. It’s the most hostile environment known to mankind. Without extensive protection, humans wouldn’t be able to survive in it for even a few seconds. That harsh environment we call space […]
I was a big fan of Bridesmaids, and one of the main reasons was the out-of-control, wacky performance of Melissa McCarthy. When she’s on, she’s hilarious. When she’s off, you get something like Identity Thief. It’s strange that I’ve now discovered a movie where McCarthy fires on all cylinders and the movie still comes out […]
Sandra Bullock as an FBI agent and Melissa McCarthy as a Boston cop begrudgingly work together on a case that pushes them to turn up The Heat. Bullock plays FBI agent Sarah Ashburn — an agent with a personality as subtle as a brick and an ego to match. When a big promotion looms, she’s told […]