Irresistible Review
Stewart takes a truly brilliant “what if” idea and then crudely shoehorns a narrative into place.
Stewart takes a truly brilliant “what if” idea and then crudely shoehorns a narrative into place.
Battle of the Sexes is a wholly different experience than you might expect.
The Minions steal the show as always in Despicable Me 3.
Like Schindler’s List peppered with lewd jokes every 15 minutes or so.
I was 14 years old in the summer of 1981 following my freshman year in high school. I had started to discover who I am and had already established my interest in computers and programming courtesy of the terminals we used to connect to a university’s mainframe computer via a telephone line. I went to […]
A struggling 14 year-old finds solace and support at a local water park in the coming-of-age film The Way, Way Back. In the 1979 film Meatballs, Bill Murray‘s character (a camp counselor) says to a new arrival, “You must be the short depressed kid we ordered.” That film was another coming-of-age story involving another disconnected […]
Gru and family return for a sequel to the 2010 smash-hit original in Despicable Me 2. In the new installment, Gru has given up his evildoing aspirations in order to focus on being the best father he can be for his three girls — Margo, Edith and Agnes. Unfortunately, his evil past means he’s also the best […]
I must confess that I’m a huge magic fan. From an early age, I wanted to be a magician, and I was lucky enough to meet Harry Blackstone Jr. backstage when I was at the height of my interest and skills. Over time, I continued to see magic shows as they came through town. I […]
While traveling for business I managed to catch the new animated sensation, Despicable Me. I saw it last week and just never got around to writing it up which, pretty much, foretells how that’s going to go. Despicable Me is another in a growing list of major animated films in 2010. This one focuses on an aging […]
A couple desperate for a carefree night on the town get far more than they bargained for in Date Night. It seemed inevitable that Steve Carrell and Tina Fey would end up together in a fairly straight-forward rom-com. The powerhouse comedy duo play typical suburbanite parents caught up in the monotony of everyday life. They love one another, but both […]
We saw Get Smart this weekend. This is the film based on the 1960s cult classic TV comedy of the same name. I have to say that I agree with what a few reviewers said about it. I felt very much like the producers couldn’t make up their mind exactly what kind of movie they were […]
The second movie came Friday night when my son and I went to see Dr. Suess’ Horton Hears A Who. This is the latest animated movie to come out and it’s done extremely well at the box office. I’ll give the writers credit. They did a wonderful job taking a very short book and turning […]