Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

So while on a trip to Richmond, Virginia from my home in New Jersey (a several hour drive) I listened to Glenn Beck‘s radio show and it mimicked much of what he’d been talking about on his TV show with respect to an all-out war against liberal billionaire George Soros. The pinnacle of his argument […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Today on the way into my office I was listening to Glenn Beck (it’s great if you think of it as a parody in an alternate universe). He spent half-an-hour going on about a report from the National Inflation Association (a group I’ve never before heard of). Their report noted that the impact of recent […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

It was nice to see Sanity win a victory last night after my return from the Rally To Restore Sanity last weekend. I’m actually heartened by what I saw last night regardless of party. While Republican fans across the nation are celebrating (and they should) recent history clearly shows they should enjoy it now as […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Much has been made of the last few years about patriotism and the Pledge of Allegiance that many recite to our flag. I’ve always found it quite humorous that the loudest proponents of the pledge seem to be entirely devoid of any actual knowledge of its history. Today its biggest supporters are very much out […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

If you’re not a news junkie you may not have heard that National Public Radio (NPR) fired political pundit Juan Williams the other day for stating that, “…when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Colorado Senate Republican candidate Ken Buck appeared on Meet The Press Sunday. When asked by host David Gregory to explain his views on homosexuality. The conversation went as follows: GREGORY: Do you believe that being gay is a choice? BUCK: I do. GREGORY: Based on what? BUCK: Based on what? I guess you can choose […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

One of the concerns of this election cycle is the way in which the Republican machine has manipulated the system to control the outcome of this election and, most likely, every election hereafter until something is done about it. What am I going on about? Well, I’m not surprised my liberal friends aren’t all that […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

The GOP has gone completely off the rails with some of the drek they’ve put forth as “viable” candidates this election cycle and, amazingly, it seems to be okay with much of their base. Now we have New York gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino speaking to a group of orthodox Jews saying some truly outlandish things: […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Every Democrat running for office early next month should be going out of their way to highlight a story out of Tennessee as their rallying cry against the tide of positive sentiment towards Republican rule. While listening to Glenn Beck this morning a caller mentioned this story—which I initially missed—and Beck ridiculed the caller while […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Tonight, on the way home from the gym, some part-time radio talker I’ve never heard before was going on about the Rutgers webcam story. For those that aren’t familiar with it a pair of Rutgers University students filmed an intimate gay make-out session of Tyler Clementi, 18, one of their roommates, and replayed it later. […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Last night on the way home from my weekly gaming event I was listening to local conservative talker Dom Giordano. Dom’s a local guy heard generally at night on Philly’s conservation station 1210 AM. He’s pretty typical for a conservative but of late he’s gotten a bit …. shall we say …. testy? Last night […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

In January 2009 I signed up for FiOS TV and Internet service (but not phone service) with the last post about my troubled experiences here. Things improved slightly during the last 18 months, or more accurately, I adjusted my expectations down a bit. The DVR is still just terrible. The biggest issue is that it’s […]