Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

In response to my previous post I joined a forum on Bernie Goldberg‘s site. On the forum I found a heated discussion about how blacks are racists because they voted for Barack Obama based on the color of his skin. In response I wrote back: Look folks…. Let’s get silly with this to make a […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Last night on the Bill O’Reilly show noted right-wing commentator and author Bernie Goldberg, with whom I have virtually no views in common, took Bill to task over the so-called fair and balanced claims made by various personalities on the network. They were discussing why Fox News is often the target of other media personalities. […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

I last wrote a little on the misconstrued concept of American Exceptionalism as put forth by right-wing pundits. I wanted to follow it up with a few images to give a visual to what it is that these so-called experts just skip over whenever they talk about this situation as if it just exuded nothing […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Today on Rush Limbaugh‘s radio show he spent some time deriding President Barack Obama over, as usual, just about anything the man does, ever has done and ever will do. There’s nothing new in that for Mr. Limbaugh. During one segment he spoke about how Obama doesn’t understand the concept of American Exceptionalism. He points […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

For fans of Fox News (which I watch myself in addition to most of the other networks) the term “fair and balanced” often gets offered up as a reason for watching. I’ve been skeptical of those claims from the outset but the network’s latest move has gone entirely off the rails of believability and, at […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

On Sean Hannity‘s radio show Wednesday he played a speech from Ronald Reagan after returning from a commercial break. I only caught a piece of it so I thought I’d go listen to the segment again but it turns out that to get copies of his radio show he charges you monthly to be a […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

I’m nearly finished reading In the President’s Secret Service: Behind the Scenes With Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect. It’s a book that sounded fascinating based on an interview I saw of the the author, Ronald Kessler, that he did on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. The book is […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

A friend sent me a link about dating tips for women that I found quite entertaining. The article says the following: Always look great, whatever your income. Gorgeous hair and some lipstick with rags will still turn his head. You have the advantage. You are the woman. Look your best as you could meet a […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

President Obama spoke to the entire Congress last night and to much of the American public about his plans for health care. I had to catch a repeat of it as I spent the night at a weekly event I attend. What I saw was a re-invigorated Barack Obama. This is the man his supporters […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

We elected Barack Obama to bring this country “Change You Can Believe In”. What’s happened so far is that we’ve gotten a President who doesn’t seem to be able or willing to really lead this nation. Whenever the Right gets a chill he runs over to them with a blanket—or so it seems. The entire […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

It’ll be very interesting to see what Bill O’Reilly says about the whole Jaycee Lee Dugard case. For those that aren’t aware, back in early 2007 O’Reilly made some incredibly insensitive comments about another abduction case involving a child named Shawn Hornbeck. On his show he had this to say about the Hornbeck case: I’m […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Conservatives are up in arms over the spending going on in Washington. They’re not alone either. Many of us have concerns about the government spending our money like drunken sailors or, dare I say, like the past Republican Congress. The phrase, “you can’t spend yourself into prosperity” keeps getting tossed around. The problem with this, […]