Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

I recently got into a debate with a closed group I’m associated with that happens to be made up almost entirely of very right-wing Republicans. One segment of the debate focused on gun control. What struck me about the conversation is that this is a group of extremely intelligent individuals who have some of the […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Ratings are down 13% on “The View” since the departure of Rosie O’Donnell. Nearly every conservative pundit was adamant that Rosie was and is a cancer and that any entity would be better off without her involvement. This situation once again shows that these people have no clue what they’re talking about and that personal […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

I am sick and tired of the politicians out there on the right continually commenting about how the health care system needs to be addressed but while keeping it in the free market. The free market will balance it. Well, it’s been in the free market its entire existence and if this example shows us […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Former V.P. aide Scooter Libby was sentenced to 30 months today for lying and obstruction of justice in the Valerie Plame affair. I will be very surprised if this guy serves out his sentence. First we’re going to get the appeal process. That’s going to drag on quite some time. If they delay that long […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

As the price of gas continues to climb many of us have noticed that the profits of the oil companies goes right along with it. Something just isn’t right there and it’s pretty obvious. Since when do you make out better when costs increase for anything you’re involved in? Sean Hannity, in response to this […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

What the hell is Virtumonde you ask? I’d like to tell you but it seems I can’t quite get anyone willing to commit to exactly what it is. You see, the other day I got an invitation to try out the new Internet-based TV service Joost. After installing it my PC began to act very […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

How does this guy get any respect from people what-so-ever? I firmly believe 75% of the support he gets come from intellectually-challenged people. He continually says things that are just entirely ridiculous and often hypocritical. He’s now trying to suggest that former Senator John Edwards doesn’t understand the nature of the battle in the war […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Great job Dems. You really showed the world. You’ve now given our poor two options. Work for $7.35 an hour or go join our forces in Iraq and risk your life for a tad more. None of the Democrats that voted for this spending bill should be returned to office in 2008. If either Senators […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

I’ve been living in my current home for about eight years now. During this time I’ve had mostly the same neighbors for the duration. Two original owners that were here moved out and younger families moved in. Such is the cycle of neighborhood life. One neighbor that’s been here the whole time, has been doing […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Wow, what a big surprise. The big baby in the White House continues to support his buddy, Alberto Gonzales. Who is shocked at this “news”? We have the makings of a tiny dictator in the White House. The Congress needs to stop playing around and put this man in his place sooner rather than later. […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

The White House and President George W. Bush have announced that they support embattled World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz. Does that come as a surprise to anyone? How is this even considered newsworthy at this point? This administration will back any of their friends regardless of their offense. At this point its clear to everyone […]