Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Yesterday I had to head up to Manhattan from my home in South Jersey (2+ hours each way). I filled the time doing what I often do by listening to the various conservative radio shows. What an experience. It started off with the often entertaining Glenn Beck. Interestingly enough I had gotten up yesterday to […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Well, I just got done watching some of the Hannity show that runs on Fox News and Sean Hannity is at it again. As long as these people have a substantial base of supports I will know this country is going in the wrong direction. Just about everything that could go right about this potential […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

I’ve been extremely busy with work and need to put up a post about the last movie I saw. However, before I forget, I wanted to put up a link to a New York Times article I was sent that speaks almost verbatim to what I’ve been concerned about lately regarding the divide in this […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Today on my way back from a doctor appointment (apparently I’m not terminal yet) I tuned in to Glenn Beck‘s conservative radio show. Glenn’s a strange fellow. He goes from seeming lucid on some points to wildly bonkers on others. Today he’s going off on the “March to Socialism”. As I said last, this is […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

There’s no doubt in my mind that Monday’s airwaves will be filled with vitriol from the Right about how GM‘s CEO, Rick Wagoner, being asked to step down by the Obama administration is a clear indication that Obama wants to take the country fully into socialism. They’ll paint it as an administration that’s secretly happy […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

The last few days have been incredible to listen to conservative radio and Fox News. You’d think President Barack Obama has morphed into the anti-Christ. You’ve got Glenn Beck crying and hysterical conservatives calling in suggesting, seriously, that Obama is about to enslave all of us. The various shows are all up-in-arms over just about […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

I couldn’t help but notice Sean Hannity and other pundits jump at the chance to point out that President Obama has been so negligent that the unemployment rate is now as bad as it was in 1983. You have to love these people….. You really do. Why? These are the same people who gloat over […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Sean Hannity spent this past week talking about the wonders of what’s possible in a government when capitalists are free to do their thing without the shackles of regulation holding them back. He continually pointed out that most of our history has been spent living this way and that it’s been a huge success story. […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

One thing I haven’t seen a lot of talk about is the relationship between the price of oil and its impact on the stock market. I just got done looking over the numbers and it’s pretty compelling information. The reason I looked at this is that my recollection is still pretty fresh regarding the impact […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

At an event called CPAC (the Conservative Political Action Conference) Rush Limbaugh spoke and said the following: “Let me tell you who we conservatives are. We love people. (big applause) When we look out over the United States of America, when we are anywhere, when we see a group of people, such as this or […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

A couple of years ago I noticed something that, I believe, Rush Limbaugh started as I heard it there first and not again for quite some time. Now I notice it leaking out all over the spectrum. The term I’m speaking of is referring to the party on the Left as “the Democrat party” instead […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Had to laugh while driving around yesterday. I was taking my self-inflicted ritual of listening to Sean Hannity’s show on the radio and couldn’t believe the things I was hearing in just a few minutes of time I gave it. First up was a bit of a surprise. One of the biggest surprises to come […]