Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Two recent news stories have gotten me thinking that President Obama could indeed be the anti-Christ and I’m waiting for the media to catch on. First, Obama is sworn in on January 20th and the very next day we see something that is almost incomparable in our history—US Airways flight 1549 crash lands in the […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

The latest revisionism going on by Republicans is a real eye-opener. Now the party line is that the economy taking a dive had nothing to do with George W. Bush. It was humming right along until the dreaded 110th Congress was elected in 2006. I’ve now seen several reliably full of crap Congressional members and […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

The Republican party is imploding and it’s getting messy. Primary conservative pundit Rush Limbaugh, after suggesting that the left-wing bloggers and media have misconstrued his comments, suggesting that he wants President Obama to fail has now, in no uncertain terms, stated that he indeed wants Obama to fail. A short summary of his comments: “I […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

In the past I presented the opening and closing numbers of the Dow Jones Industrial Average for each President back to 1960. Now that we’re at another milestone I can finally put a finishing number on the past eight years (I also caught a couple math errors and corrected them). While I was at it […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Okay, in 44 years on this planet including the inauguration of eight previous Presidents (though I don’t really recall the ones for President’s Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon) I cannot recall a spectacle the likes of which we’re seeing now. My recollection is that Presidents won the race, stayed in the news, and then took […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

In the Minnesota Senate race Sean Hannity has been typically partisan and vocal. In the past he’s made statements along the lines of, “Al Franken will do anything to steal this election.” He’s used completely one-sided arguments to try to make his case. In one instance I mentioned previously he pointed out challenges of ballots […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

One other thing many on the Right espouse that has been bugging me for some time is the so-called “War on Christmas” so dubbed by Bill O’Reilly. What bothers me about this is that it’s not only incorrect but contrary to the very nature of what this season should be about and what we, as […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Last week, on both his radio show and his Fox News show, Sean Hannity made it absolutely clear that President-Elect Barack Obama waited until today to release his internal report on the Rod Blagojevich scandal so that he could release all the bad news in it during a period where no one would be paying […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Caroline Kennedy will forever be in the hearts of anyone my age and older for the touching images of her and her father and the lasting images of her and little John at their father’s funeral. As far as I can tell that’s just about all she has in the way of qualifications to be […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

One thing that bugs me intensely about Sean Hannity is the way he purposely bathes himself in his own aura and attempts to claim patriotic superiority above others. His logo for his site shows him looking skyward (heavenward) draped by a backdrop of an American flag. His radio show opens with a call-to-arms song as […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Once and for all, if you believe that the Community Reinvestment Act, signed into law in 1977 by Jimmy Carter, is the cause or even a major cause of the housing collapse or credit crisis, then you are part of the problem. The same is true if you believe the cause is government regulation forcing […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

I decided to watch Hannity & Colmes tonight to see what Alan Colmes would say about his departure. The segments prior to that were quite challenging to get through. We had Karl Rove continuing to impress me with this new persona that he’s adopted regarding honesty. It’s amazing what a turn-around this guy has gone […]