Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

I want to know when the FBI and local authorities are going to get off their asses and get out on the street to catch a despicable criminal that has clearly been traveling around the country. What kind of sick mind brainwashes someone to wear $150,000 wardrobes against their will while making them act as […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

The further I get from the debate the more I think John McCain lost it by a wide margin (not withstanding Fox News‘ poll that had 89% saying McCain won….. amazing). The biggest things that stand out now: 1. John McCain, when asked by moderator Tom Brokaw (who really stunk) who he’d appoint as Treasury […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

I’m in the middle of watching the debate and so far it’s pretty one-sided. John McCain is not winning this debate so far. He’s doing little with respect to laying out his plans and simply attacking Barack Obama. I also feel much of the approach he’s using as condescending. The biggest example was when he […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

The Vice Presidential debate is over and I’m glad we can finally talk about larger issues again. The bottom line for this debate was clear in my view. It was less about who won or lost and more about Governor Sarah Palin‘s performance. She’s the one everyone is curious about. After the incredible disaster of […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

So, here are some Dow Jones numbers at the start and end of some past President’s terms for the sake of future ridicule of the current squatter now in the White House: John F. Kennedy (+12%)Start: 634.37End: 711.49 Lyndon Johnson (+31)Start: 711.49End: 931.25 Richard Nixon (-17%)Start: 931.25End: 777.30 Gerald Ford (+13%)Start: 777.30End: 959.03 Jimmy Carter […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Well it appears President Bush has finally caught on that something big is going on over on Wall Street. In a session today he stated, “The American people are concerned about the situation in our financial markets and our economy, and I share their concerns. I’ve canceled my travel today to stay in Washington, where […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Okay, so now both of the conventions are over and anyone really being objective would have to admit that the Democratic convention was the more positive of the two. John McCain’s speech last night underscored everything that’s wrong with the Republican side of things right now. First, it was a boring speech. It was hard […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Well, the varnish on VP candidate Sarah Palin didn’t last very long. In one of her first public remarks as a candidate she told supporters that she blocked the building of the infamous “bridge to nowhere” that reeked of pork barrel spending and helped expose the largess of such projects to the country. This sort […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

I got into a debate with someone about my blog posting on John McCain‘s choice for VP and the discussion quickly turned on my feeling that even though I thought it was a brilliant move, that I also felt it pushed me closer to voting for Barack Obama. The other side pointed out a “statistic” […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

I have to give it to John McCain. He’s really pulling out all the stops to get into the White House. The first real salvo was the, I believe, unprecedented ad he ran following Barrack Obama‘s speech last night. If you didn’t see it you missed something pretty unique. The speech ended and one of […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

I went to bed earlier on Friday than usual and woke up to a text message on my cell phone at 3:18am that Senator Joseph Biden was the choice. The Obama campaign had promised that those who signed up for text messaging would be the first to hear the announcement of Senator Barrack Obama‘s running […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Please, someone do something. I’m to a point where I’m starting to think Dick Cheney or the sponge below my sink would make a better President than George W. Bush. What now you ask? Our glorious leader left the G8 conference by “joking” with the other leaders. He said, while grinning in only that evil/retarded […]