Business Section:
- The dawn of catvertising: “What can cat videos do for YOUR business?”
Nuns as gun-totin’ shareholder activists pushing companies to do the right thing (PS: Those are metaphorical guns. PPS: Googling “Nuns with Guns” is NSFW, which I guess shouldn’t have surprised me.)
- Retailers force their employees to work the Thanksgiving Holiday as they vie for costumers. It’s about time someone got outraged about this shopping absurdity; even if no one gets riled up about 4am Black Friday lines, it seems that interrupting the actual holiday dinner finally crosses a line for many consumers (almost 100,000 signatures already).
- An adorably sardonic music video: “Save the Rich” by Garfunkel and Oates
Education Section:
Powerful piece on the lengths that girls in the developing world go to just to get a basic education.
- One woman’s experience with homeschooling: teaching children how to love learning, or teaching them how to be social misfits for the rest of their lives?
- Tennessee does an admirable job of showing how NOT to evaluate teachers: “My job can be at risk, and I’m not even being evaluated by my own work.”
Science and Technology Section:
Programming for kids: I wish I had this when I was growing up! More people should breed engineers.
- A Huffington Post piece led me to this fascinating interview on the science of monogamy
- A scientific study of news networks shows that Fox News talks about climate change a LOT – in order to obfuscate the issue and confuse its viewers