Mamma Mia! Review
Mamma Mia! is a beautiful, funny, enjoyable film that is every bit the equal of the stage show.
Mamma Mia! is a beautiful, funny, enjoyable film that is every bit the equal of the stage show.
We saw Get Smart this weekend. This is the film based on the 1960s cult classic TV comedy of the same name. I have to say that I agree with what a few reviewers said about it. I felt very much like the producers couldn’t make up their mind exactly what kind of movie they were […]
A heart-broken musician heads to Hawaii to escape his breakup in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Let me say right now that my least favorite part of this movie is its title. It’s the most forgettable part of the film. The story comes to us from it’s lead actor Jason Segel who we’ve seen in lesser roles […]
The second movie came Friday night when my son and I went to see Dr. Suess’ Horton Hears A Who. This is the latest animated movie to come out and it’s done extremely well at the box office. I’ll give the writers credit. They did a wonderful job taking a very short book and turning […]
We saw Charlie Wilson’s War last night. This is a movie starring Tom Hanks that I’ve been meaning to see since December and just couldn’t get to. It’s worth more of an effort. While the movie isn’t an Oscar contender it’s a bright, witty, entertaining movie that really does make you think about how our government […]
Tonight we finally got around to seeing the long-awaited Juno after seeing previews for it going back several months. It was absolutely worth the wait. Once again we were a bit apprehensive as Rotten Tomatoes had it rated as a 94. As I’ve endlessly stated, movies that have universal appeal tend to be over-the-top in areas […]
We just got back from seeing Disney‘s latest movie, Enchanted. It’s quite an achievement. It’s original, boasts a couple of Oscar-worthy songs and appeals to a wide audience. The beginning of the movie offers up a fantastic animated sequence that’s narrated by the ever-talented Julie Andrews. This early part of the story sets the tone for […]
Next up we caught Steve Carell‘s new movie, Dan and the Real G….. Oh, wait, it’s called Dan in Real Life. This is a movie I’ve been worried about for some time. We saw the previews for it ages ago and then the movie seemed to miss one release date after another. I also happened to […]
Next up for me was Lars and the Real Girl and it was a great surprise. It’s a dark comedy that really is more drama that it is comedy. Ryan Gosling is exceptional as its title character. Anyone who’s unsure about his acting chops needs to look no farther than his portrayal of Lars. You’ll feel every […]
This week’s movie is The Darjeeling Limited staring Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody and Jason Schwartzman. It’s an extremely low-key, dark comedy that will not go over well with many, though I enjoyed it quite a bit. The comedy is very similar to what you find in director Wes Anderson‘s other movie (that I feel is a […]
Another Friday, another movie. This time we checked out Superbad, the new Judd Apatow comedy. It still amazes me that this guy has so many awesome hit movies and failed so notably (and surprisingly) with TV shows. It makes no sense. The great part for me is that I confused this movie as being the […]
The next movie on the slate is the new Disney/Pixar film Ratatouille. I had seen nothing but wonderful reviews for this movie and due to this I also expected that I’d be disappointed. I find that when everyone loves a movie, I am left disappointed so now I go into such movies with skepticism. This entry […]